- She/He was Successfully adopted!
- 2 years ago
- Los Angeles Area, California
Beautiful 75-80lb spayed dog is very protective of territory (alpha) and loved ones. Pending marriage/addition to family includes 3 other pets that Roxy will not allow–and we have tried, trainer supervised, for nearly a year now. Roxy doesn\’t want to
Los Angeles Area, California
Offline Now
- Gender: Female
- Breed: Chow Chow, German Shepherd
- Dog's Color or Markings?: yellow lab color, purple/pink tongue, a little black mixed in at tail and ears.
- Is the dog House trained?: Yes
- Is the dog Neutered?: Yes
- Dog's Relative Size: Large
- Dog's Literal Weight: 51 - 80 lbs.
- Birth year: 2000
- Birth month: 11